Saturday, August 26, 2006

Back and For What It's "Worth" ....

Had to take a break for a bit -- from keyboarding, laptops, etc. as the wrists, etc. have suffered some. I'd rather draw than type - so taking it easy and preserving my drawing paw is a higher priority. I will slow down a bit, spend less time on the net and wear a brace/splint when typing - so I'll try to make any new post more meaningful.

So, I'm getting a kick out of surfing a little and seeing what I missed. One thing that I can honestly say I've never read since childhood has been the comic strip "Mary Worth". However, thanks to following the Comics C blog, it's pretty hilarious to read now. (and I love the ALDOMANIA t-shirt he'll be selling on CafePress!)Nothing like adding a stalker that looks like Capt. Kangaroo in the mix to make a soap opera strip entertaining. People have been having fun with the new addition too -- there's even a YouTube video created! Mary, we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you .... but it's all good.

1 comment:

MoonStone said...

Welcome back! Hope you are doing ok. I really enjoyed the cute video! Thanks for posting it.
